eNews for Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Sanctuary Update
Deb DeVaney gets the platform ready
Mardi Bagley arranges plants—she's been taking good care of them!
We're getting the sanctuary ready in anticipation of being able to live-stream our Easter service from the sanctuary. Although we do not expect we will be able to worship together in person by Easter, we would like to extend the opportunity to purchase Easter Lillies and dedicate them to your loved ones as we have done in years past.
Lilies are $15. Get in touch if you'd like to purchase one!
During 2020, the CHUM Food Shelf distributed 391,340 pounds of food (that is up 77,943 pounds) to 16,503 people in Duluth.
The goal this March is to raise $150,000 and 50,000 lbs of food.
CHUM is often asked, what is more beneficial to give? Food or Money? The answer is BOTH.
If you have extra non-perishable food on hand, stop by Pilgrim. Items will be collected in a labeled bin in the alley and delivered to CHUM. At the same time, check and see if our own Little Free Food Shelf on the corner needs any food in it.
You can also donate funds to CHUM's monetary food drive, using the links below or mailing a check to CHUM. For every $1 we would spend on food at the store to donate, CHUM can purchase $7 worth of food.
New this year! CHUM has teamed up with local CSAs to provide fresh veggies for the food shelf. You can read more about it in this letter.
Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless
Today begins the three day series of events for the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless Day on the Hill. You can still register at: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ehjpnioq83c3acd0&llr=jie5m4cab
(TODAY!) March 9 | 9:30-10:30am
A press conference focused on COVID-19 positive outcomes, responses, and partnerships in communities across the state; connection to our 2021 MCH Legislative Priorities
March 10 | 9:00-10:00am
A program highlighting MCH’s collective victories and partnerships
March 11 | 12:00-1:00pm
A TweetChat, Action Alert, and a possible hearing
2nd Saturday Passages
From Gary Solomonson
Sunday, March 13 at 8:30 am
Topic: How do your daily activities at home, work, play and community provide you with opportunities for spiritual growth?
Passages is a virtual spiritual growth discussion group via Zoom. It is scheduled for the 2nd Saturday morning of each month at 8:30 am. One definition of PASSAGES is “a brief portion of a written work or speech that is relevant to a point about the topic under discussion or noteworthy for content or style.” Our topic each month is exploring the nature of spiritual growth. Each month we have selected PASSAGES from articles, books, various scriptures from different faiths, speakers, websites and wisdom quotes that will help us enter into our ecumenical discussion as we explore our personal spiritual growth, respectfully learning from all faiths, religious traditions and each other. All are welcome to participate. Please email Gary Solomonson at Passages@TheRedBottomBoat.com or call him at (612) 810‑1683 and leave a message.
Learning to Be Content
From Stewardship Ministry
“…in whatever situation I am to be content” (Philippians 4:11).
The Apostle Paul had learned the secret of contentment, of being satisfied in every circumstance in which God placed him. Paul was in prison when he wrote the book of Philippians. He had been at the point of death several times. If anyone could have said he was in need or want, it was Paul. He had suffered much, yet he learned to be content “facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need” (Philippians 4:12). Like Paul, we, too, can learn contentment. The secret of contentment is gratitude for what God gives.
Because many people are infatuated with things and have the desire to acquire more and more, they fall victim to discontentment. There is a correlation between “having more” and “wanting more.” Even though we are surrounded by material abundance, we don’t believe we have enough, so we are discontented.
There are two ways we can strive to have enough. We can try to accumulate more, or we can learn to be satisfied with less. If we pursue the first way, accumulating more, we will discover that more is never enough. Those who have followed that route have found that money can’t buy lasting satisfaction. As hard as it is, we need to curb our desire for more by concentrating on the blessings we do have. Being satisfied with less and being willing to use what we have in God-pleasing ways are attitudes that contribute to our contentment. Those who have less and are content are better off than those who have much and always want more. But how can we be satisfied? The answer is found in the words of Jesus: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the wonderful blessings you have given to me. Help me to be content. Amen.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Offering date: March 14, 2021
One Great Hour of Sharing is the refugee, relief and development special mission offering of the UCC. OGHS is at work all around the year, all around the world - sharing resources and changing lives. The UCC works with domestic and international partners, to provide support to health, education, refugee, agricultural, and emergency relief initiatives.
You can learn more about what OGHS is doing by visiting their Facebook page.
You can give to OGHS via the office or online.
Lenten Vespers
Join us for Lenten Vespers services on our YouTube channel and Facebook page starting at 6:00 pm each Wednesday during Lent. Come join us for a time of contemplation and reflection. The video will continue to be available after 6:00 for those participating in Lectio Divina.
In case you missed it, you can view last week's Vespers service on YouTube.
Sunday Worship at Pilgrim
Join us Sunday at 10:00 am for Sunday Worship at Pilgrim. We are recording in our chapel, and doing everything we can to make it as Covid-safe as possible. You can view the service on Pilgrim's YouTube channel and Facebook page.
Salter Hall Zoom: Join us after worship for conversation and fellowship every Sunday at 11:00 am.
Meeting ID: 843 9163 0668
Passcode: 912010
If you have an announcement that you would like read during a Sunday service, please get it to the office or directly to Pastor Judith by Monday each week.
Please send in your prayer requests to include in Sunday services. Send your prayer requests, joys, and concerns to Pastor Judith via email by Friday each week to be included. We will use only first names during the service in order to maintain confidentiality, and your prayer requests will be passed along to Marge Fraser and Pilgrim's Prayer Chain.
In case you missed it, you can view last Sunday's worship service on YouTube.
YouTube views: 13
Facebook reach: 68
Morning Coffee
Wednesdays | 10:00 am
Join Pastor Judith for your morning coffee! We'll have a time for checking in with each other, prayers, and perhaps a brief meditation. Grab the beverage of your choice and join us on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 497 627 641
Passcode: 926781
Lectio Divina
Wednesdays | 6:00 pm
Join us for a Bible study each week focused on the upcoming Sunday's Gospel reading. Lectio Divina, or "holy reading" is a Christian practice dating from the early medieval period, consisting of four steps: lectio (reading), meditatio (meditation), oratio (prayer), and contemplatio (contemplation). Through these four steps, God's word sinks deeper into our hearts and imagination. By following these steps, we allow time and space for God's word to move from our lips, into our minds, and finally into our hearts. And don't worry if you missed last week—join us any time!
This week's Gospel reading is John 3:14-21.
Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99575231348
Show Us Your Walks
From Jane Killough, a walk by Brighton Beach
We're lucky to live in a community with so much beauty and access to nature. Send Patrick your photos to share your walks with us in future emails! It's another way to stay connected in these troubled times.