Get Involved
Damiano Center Volunteer Crew
Habitat for Humanity
Be Part of Our Community
Pilgrim volunteers can be found throughout the Twin Ports.
We strive to match individuals with opportunities that fit their interests, skills, and availability.
To learn more, contact the church office.
When an opportunity is available, we’ll contact you!
Guatemala 2019
Guatemala 2019
Pilgrim Volunteers
Pilgrim is a volunteer organization and most of the work carried out by the congregation is done by members who give of their time & energy. Some members serve in leadership capacities and most members are involved in some phase of the congregation’s ministry. A Church Council, made up of members elected by the congregation, oversees & coordinates the work of the church. The staff offers resources, guidance & support in planning & implementing the work of the church. Cook & serve at the Damiano soup kitchen the fourth Monday of every month. Food preparation begins at 8:30 and serving begins at 11:30.
In addition to our professional staff, Befrienders from our congregation are trained to offer a ministry of listening & encouragement for persons facing life transitions or crises. Their volunteer work is an important adjunct to the care extended by the rest of the staff. A new class of Befrienders is currently being recruited and will receive training in early summer. To contact a Befreinder, please contact the Pilgrim office.
Opportunities Include:
Deliver meals-on-wheels in the neighborhood near the church. Mondays-Fridays, 10:30-noon. Most volunteers serve on a designated day each week.
Cook & serve homemade meals to groups in the community such as phone bank volunteers and Monday meals sponsored by United Campus Ministry. Occasionally, often 3-4 times during a calendar year.
Assist families with the physical move from CHUM’s family shelter into more permanent housing. As needed. Usually on a Saturday.
Read to children in a classroom at Myers Wilkins Elementary School.
Distribute weekend food packages to go home with children from Myers Wilkins Elementary School.
Travel to Guatemala to build homes and support the education of children through Common Hope, based in St. Paul, Minnesota. Most recent trip was in 2019.
Provide cookies for the county jail Christmas party.
Provide Christmas gifts for children recommended by case workers.
Participate in & support events sponsored by Pilgrim to benefit the larger Duluth community.
Occasional concerts to benefit scholarships or community needs.
Eagle Butte, SD
Guatemala 2015
Agencies or organizations where Pilgrims volunteer may have set requirements or expectations for volunteers. Pilgrim volunteers donate time & professional skills for programs within the church. Donated time & service are welcome gifts that strengthen our congregation’s life and our bonds with the larger community:
Building maintenance
Graphic arts
Meal preparation
Child care
Technological expertise
New volunteers will work alongside experienced Pilgrim volunteers. Some volunteer opportunities may require training or screening.