Our Building

Pilgrim Congregational Church is located at

2310 East 4th Street, a residential neighborhood in Duluth.


The Pilgrim Sanctuary is located on the main floor and is accessible by elevator, via the basement.

Jaeckel Organ, Opus 11 (1988)

Pilgrim’s world-class pipe organ, designed and constructed by Duluthian Dan Jaeckel, has been played in concert by many accomplished musicians and has been featured in several noted organ recital recordings.


The Windows

The historic Pilgrim sanctuary houses five late-Victorian and early

20th century windows designed by Tiffany Studios in New York.


More Information on Our Building

Pilgrim Congregational Church (UCC)
An annotated plan of the first floor

Pilgrim Congregational Church (UCC)
An annotated plan of the first floor with additional notes

Building Users

Our church building provides space for a variety of community groups. For more information on activities, events, or calendars, please contact these groups directly.


Alcoholics Anonymous
Meets Monday evenings. Contact (218) 624-0501.

Congdon Creek Preschool
Patti Cane, Director Morning & afternoon preschool September-May Weeklong sessions during the summer for preschool students. Visit congdoncreekpreschool.com

Council District 2 Precinct 9 Polling Center
See duluthmn.gov for directions.

Matinee Musicale
Concerts featuring internationally known artists. Visit matineemusicale.org

Sessions are held several times each week led by Bonnie Ambrosi, certified yoga instructor. Contact bonnieambrosi@gmail.com.

Rental Information


We are happy to make space available to community groups & organizations.
For a schedule of rental fees or further information, please contact the office at office@pilgrimduluth.org.