Music & Arts Ministry
In our music programs and art exhibits, we celebrate the goodness and wonder of God’s creation.
Through music and the arts we are inspired to reach beyond ourselves, and we become a community of the spirit.
Our Ensembles
Music is an essential part of our worship life. Vocal and handbell choirs participate in many of our services.
Pilgrim Choir
Why is joining choir such an intimidating thing? One could fill pages with the social, emotional, physiological, and brain benefits of singing in a choir, but somewhere along the way a person’s ability to make music has been compromised by the belief that it isn’t “good enough.” The time commitment can also seem intimidating, too! If there is a part of you that has always wanted to sing in a choir, or misses singing, or wants to try it out, you are most welcome! In the church music world, you, your life experiences, and your personality are what bless the people around you, not the ability to hit all the right notes the first or the tenth time. Part-time singers, occasional singers… all are welcome. We want you!
Pilgrim Choir sings most Sundays from mid-September through mid-May.
Bellissimo is our advanced handbell group. We have had youth and adults ring together and teach people how to ring bells in this group, too. We have limited space available for new members in this group, but we always find room, even if it means purchasing more bells!
Jaeckel Organ, Opus 11 (1988)
Pilgrim’s world-class pipe organ, designed and constructed by Duluthian Dan Jaeckel, has been played in concert by many accomplished musicians and has been featured in several noted organ recital recordings.
The Windows
The historic Pilgrim sanctuary houses five late-Victorian and early
20th century windows designed by Tiffany Studios in New York.
Arts & Culture
Pilgrim maintains an art gallery in Salter Hall on the first floor, which is open to the public during office hours, as well as on Sunday mornings. Art displays have included works by Pilgrim artists, both adults and children. We have also included travelling exhibits, such as “A Shower of Stoles” representing LGBT clergy stoles from around the country, and a Civil Rights photography exhibit by the late Susan Sojourner.
Pilgrim hosts concerts throughout the year including Matinee Musicale, private recitals, and events related to the University of Minnesota Duluth music programs.
Music Lessons
Pilgrim rents spaces to several music teachers for private lessons in piano, flute, guitar, voice, and more.