eNews for Thursday, September 16, 2021
Memorial Service for David Weston
A Memorial Service will be held for Pilgrim member David Weston on Friday, September 24, at 10:30 am with a meal to follow. Please join us in remembering David.
Remembering David
From Stacey Achterhoff, on her Mrs. Delicious facebook page:
My friend David died unexpectedly yesterday.
You don’t need to send condolences to me, as I’m using this space to send them out to the universe… if you never had the opportunity to meet David, I’m sorry.
I met David at my church. He walked or took the city bus, I gave him a ride home a handful of times, but mostly Marge did that.
Here is how David approached relationships. He would ask you your name, and then once he knew it, you were his friend. You knew you were his friend because each and every time he saw you, he spent the entire time telling you how much he liked you and then in the cracks and crevices of that time he complemented you profusely.
Let’s say your name was Lola.
“I missed you Lola! I like you, Lola. You are so nice. You’re funny Lola! Howdy-do! (insert Minnie Pearl gesture) I like you Lola. (noticing your green shirt) Greeny greeny! I’m going to call you Poopsie! I missed you so much. You’re so pretty. I like your hair. See my watch! I got it at Walmart.”
Honestly. There was no love like a greeting from David.
One of his pastimes was walking at the shopping center. I unexpectedly ran into him there once, and he stopped dead in his tracks upon finding me out of context. From then on part of his greeting me at church was telling other people, “I surprised her! I surprised her!”
And no matter how many times I insisted, “Wait. I surprised YOU!” He was having none of it. Rewriting history every single time we ran into each other.
I saw in the news article yesterday that David was 65. I had no idea. Periodically I would ask him personal questions but I never got a clear age. I knew his mom died. He liked being in plays with Annie. Kim was a good cook. And the last time I saw him (2 weeks ago at an outdoor church service) he told me the nickname he used for his favorite (I’m assuming) worker at Choice…
and today I cannot for the life of me remember.David was cognitively disabled in some way. Chatting with him, at times, felt like visiting with a very enthusiastic 6 year old trying to navigate the world in Jonathan Winter’s body.
Yesterday, on an outing to a shopping center, he was hit by a city bus and did not survive.
Whatever obstacles David had due to his disability did not stop him from doubling down on making people around him feel extraordinarily well-liked and welcomed into his fold each and every time he surprised you.
Just for tomorrow, I’m going to try to be everyone’s friend and see what happens.
I love you, you little pepper shaker.
Employees at the Miller Hill Mall have organized a fundraiser via gofundme to raise money for David's funeral expenses and a headstone. You can donate here.
Some stories about David in the local media:
"He was a happy soul": Duluth mall employees’ effort to honor man from KBJR6.
Duluth man remembered for smiles, friendliness toward everyone he met from the Duluth News Tribune.
Community Members Remember DTA Bus Crash Victim from Fox 21.
CHOICE, unlimited, remembers David on their Facebook page.
Music for a Good Cause
Concert for Recovery | September 25
The inaugural Concert for Recovery, an event supporting substance abuse treatment and mental health services, will be held on September 25 on Harbor Drive outside the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center, on the east side of the building, facing the Duluth Harbor and Aerial Lift Bridge.
Tickets cost $15 and are available at duluthbethel.org. All funds raised beyond expenses will support substance abuse treatment and mental health services. Gates open at 3:00 pm, and the bands will play from 4:00 to 9:00 pm.
Learn more at perfectduluthday.com.
Volunteers and Donations Needed at CHUM
We need volunteers to help with painting, gardening and clean up at the CHUM shelter, administration office, and the Steve O’Neil Apartments. We need help with painting the exterior of the main building at 102 W 2nd St, assisting in the Steve O’Neil gardens during the harvest, and beautification of the parking lot. Call (218) 720‑6521 to volunteer or email Molly Lyons.
Looking for a few Good Chefs
We are looking for people to prep meals, 35 servings a week, for the families at Steve O’Neil. Many
parents participate in programs that take them away from being able to make meals. We would need people
to make meals once a week, month, or quarter. Please contact Amy Swensen Switzer to sign up.
We are also in need of the following items:
- Working cell phones with chargers
- Sonic alarms
- Handwarmers
- Heavy boots
- Heavy winter jackets
- Double knit or fleece-lined hats
- One size knit gloves
- Gel pens
- Adult coloring books
Masks Needed at Myers Wilkins
Attention sewers: kid-sized masks are need at Myers-Wilkins elementary school. Feel free to drop them off at the office.
Safety Message from Building & Finance
At the request of the Building & Finance committee, high-visibility tape is being placed on steps at all entrances to the building to help prevent trips and falls. They have also asked to see if there are any other safety concerns that people may have regarding trip, slip and fall hazards around the property. If you have any concerns, questions or ideas, please submit them to Torin and we will try to visit them at our next meeting. Thank you!
A Message from Annika Nielsen in Norway
Sunday Service Project
Making Dog and Cat Toys from T-shirts for Animal Allies
All Pilgrims are invited to help make Dog and Cat toys for Animal Allies after church on Sunday, September 26. The plan is to work outside, weather permitting. If possible, please bring your old t-shirt(s) and scissors. Here is a how-to video: https://youtu.be/EKIEF25lv8Y
And for confirmation families, please join in after your meeting. If you have questions, contact Grace Beaster, Parker Tewes, or Cindy Grindy.
Upcoming Worship
Here are some dates to watch out for:
- Mark Hakes will preach on Sunday, September 19
- Mary Anderson will preach on Sunday, September 26
- Sunday, October 3, will be Pastor Carla's first Sunday at Pilgrim.
Sunday Worship at Pilgrim
Join us Sunday at 10:00 am for Sunday Worship at Pilgrim, in person or online. You can view the service on Pilgrim's YouTube channel and Facebook page.
You can download a Bulletin here.
This Sunday's scripture readings:
- Proverbs 31:10-31
- Psalm 1
- James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a
- Mark 9:30-37
If you have an announcement that you would like read during a Sunday service, please get it to the office by Thursday each week.
In case you missed it, you can view last Sunday's worship service on YouTube.
8/29 attendance: 36
YouTube views: 17
Prayers and Condolences
Keep in your prayers:
- The Shull family after Gene's passing
- Kay Slack and her family on the passing of her husband, Bill
- Joyce Young's son Michael Rookey as he receives care for cancer
- Bob Reichert as he undergoes treatment
- Anita and her family as she undergoes medical treatment
- Wanda and her family as she continues to receive treatment
Show Us Your Walks
Jessica Schroeder shares this photo of Silvia and Lark at Hartley Nature Center
From Patrick, here's a lovely view of Bean and Bear Lake
We're lucky to live in a community with so much beauty and access to nature. Send Patrick your photos to share your walks with us in future emails! It's another way to stay connected in these troubled times.
What Patrick's Listening To
Stephen Sondheim (legendary theater composer-lyricist, my very favorite) was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night, and revealed that he is working on a new show that will, I hope, go into production next season. You can watch the delightful interview on YouTube.
In honor of new Sondheim show, here's one of my favorites: "You're Gonna Love Tomorrow/Love Will See Us Through" from Follies, performed at Sondheim's 80th Birthday Concert.